Facial Procedures

If you are hoping to correct signs of aging, or change the size or shape of certain facial features, facial plastic surgery may be for you. Whether you are considering a facelift, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, or any other procedure, our staff will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

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The effects of gravity, exposure to the sun, and the stresses of daily life can lead to telltale signs of age. Deep creases known as nasolabial folds can form between the nose and mouth, the jawline can grow slack and jowly, and folds and fat deposits can appear around the neck, among other effects. While a facelift cannot stop the aging process, it can help to "set back the clock." By removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck, a facelift can improve the most visible signs of aging. A facelift can be done alone, but is frequently performed in conjunction with other procedures such as a forehead lift, eyelid surgery, or rhinoplasty.


Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Eyelid surgery — also known as blepharoplasty — removes fat, excess skin, and muscle from the upper and lower eyelids. The procedure can also correct drooping upper lids and puffy bags below the eyes. By correcting these telltale signs of age, eyelid surgery patients can achieve younger, more vibrant looking facial features. In some cases, when drooping eyelids affect vision, insurance may cover the procedure. Eyelid surgery can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures, such as a facelift or brow lift. Our staff will help you determine what procedure or procedures are right for you.


Forehead or Brow Lift

A forehead or brow lift can minimize forehead creases and frown lines that can make a person look angry, sad, or tired. Like eyelid surgery, a forehead or brow lift can also help to reduce or eliminate drooping upper eyelids or eyebrows. The procedure is typically performed by surgically removing excess tissue, then tightening and reattaching the skin. The result is smoother, younger-looking skin.


Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty surgery can change the size and shape of the nose to bring about more-balanced facial features. The rhinoplasty procedure is incredibly versatile. It can make the nose bigger or smaller, alter the tip of the nose, change the shape of the nose's bridge, and change the size and shape of the nostrils. Birth defects and airway constrictions may also be corrected. With surgical skill and extensive knowledge of facial aesthetics, Dr. Becker and our staff will help you determine the appropriate course of action to meet your unique goals and provide rhinoplasty patients with a nose that is customized just for you. If rhinoplasty is performed to correct breathing problems, it may be covered by insurance.


Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is designed to set overly prominent ears closer to the head. It is most commonly performed on ears that appear to stick out farther than normal, which is typically present since birth. Because prominent ears are typically present since birth, school-age children are typically the recipients of otoplasty surgery. However, the procedure is also performed for adults. Other congenital ear abnormalities or trauma-induced abnormalities may also be corrected.



Dermabrasion is a skin-resurfacing procedure that uses a rapidly-rotating device to sand the outer layers of skin. This exposes new layers of skin that appear younger and smoother. In addition to providing a more-youthful appearance, dermabrasion can also help treat acne scars, age spots, and wrinkles. 

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Earlobe Repair

Earlobes may need repair or reconstruction due to elongation from long-term earring use, a tear from minor trauma, or gauging of the lobes.  Using a flap technique, Dr. Becker can restore earlobes to a nice, natural contour.

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Reconstructive Face Procedures (Facial Fractures or Trauma)

Facial trauma may be limited to lacerations of the skin and facial structures, or may involve fractures of the facial bones. Lacerations are usually handled in the emergency room or operating room at the time of presentation. Special techniques are used in the repair of eyelids, lips, ears, and other areas of the face. Repair of facial fractures may require additional incisions to be made. Plates and screws to hold the bones together are then placed in these incisions.